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10:00am EDT
10:30am EDT
11:00am EDT
11:30am EDT
12:00pm EDT
12:30pm EDT
1:00pm EDT
1:30pm EDT
God, Who is Love: The Southern Baptist Convention, Christian Exclusivity, and Julian of Norwich Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 312 Kyle Levy • Dr. Elizabeth Rambo
Impact of Genetic Mutations on the Prognosis and Treatment Strategies for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 303 Catherine Dauw • Lauren Wozny • Greta Nebeker • Jacob Ackerman • Dr. Christopher Fink • Dr. Alan Proia
MQ-9A Payload System Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 301 Jacob Bernas • Jesse Murphy • Walker Smith • Dr. Kim Fowler
Succession: A deeper look through the lenses of Narratives, Co-Cultural Theory and Dominant Group Theory Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 224 Mackenzie J. Davis • Dr. Dean Farmer
The Impact Greek Life has on Academic Performance, Campus Involvement, and Overall Mental Well-being Wiggins Memorial Library, Room 309 Haleigh Strickland • Dr. Jutta Street
2:00pm EDT
2:30pm EDT
3:00pm EDT